Tuesday, November 25, 2008


This week before we had the children break off into small groups we had everyone circle up, hold hands, and take turns telling God something they are thankful for. It was funny to see how even the most out going of kids became shy as we went around the circle. The best part was when it was Reese's turn and she said "I am thankful for stuffin". Not daddy or mommy, not friends or church, but stuffin'. The funny thing about that is that Reese would not eat stuffin' if her life depended on it. It really has made me evaluate where I stand with her. We all just kind of chuckled and went on. When we got home Reese wanted to know why I laughed when she said stuffin' and so I explained that it just caught me off guard because I expected her to say family or something like that. Earlier in the week she and I had talked about the fact that she should be thankful for everything all the time because God has given all things to us. So her response to my laughter was "I thank God for mommy, daddy, and Cooper every night but I never thanked him for stuffin' and God made stuffin' didn't he." She was right. We always tend to thank God for the big things or at least what we consider to be big but her response got me to ask myself the question, what have I forgotten to thank God for? It is true that the big things are from God but so are the small things like stuffin'. That's what I love about children's ministry they're so innocent and honest.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Children's Ministry

I want to give a shout out to the children's ministry team and let you guys know that you're awesome and it's a blessing to work with you guys each week. I thank you for all you do and for your dedication. For those that don't know, the children's team members are Wendy Bowen, Mandy Funderburk, Angie (Sunshine) Exley, and Ellen Jewel. Each week for the last year these ladies have set up, broken down, taught lessons, sang songs, registered children, acted in skits, and the list keeps going. They do all this because they love children and they love Jesus. Most of all they want to see the children grow in their love for Jesus. It takes a tremendous amount of dedication on the team's part to do what they do each week but they do it without complaint. The next time you see one of these members grab them, hug them, and tell them how much you appreciate them.