Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Premiere of Lost

I don't know about you guys but I am pumped about tonight's Premiere of Lost. I have watched this show since the beginning and have never missed an episode. I think the show is awesome but I know there are critics out there that think the show is lame and confusing. I do agree that if you have not seen the majority of the episodes you will be truly "Lost" (ha ha), but I'll be glad to get you up to speed. I heard a professor at NGU say, "why would I want to watch a show called Lost when I have been FOUND by Jesus." My answer is simple if there is television in heaven, Jesus is watching Lost. I say all that to say don't call me, text me, or e-mail me on Wednesday's between 9-10. If there is an emergency just hold on until after 10:00. Anyway check it out tonight at 8:00 on ABC.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration 2009

Inauguration Day 2009, a day that will go down in history. The Inauguration of President Obama has sparked much controversy but regardless of who you voted for the fact remains, Obama now holds the highest seat in the United States. I encourage everyone to pray for him and his family rather than throw your hands up in disgust. As Christians it is our duty to pray for leaders. We should pray that he seeks God in every decision that he makes, that he surrounds himself with Godly advisers, that his term in office will not be marked with controversy, and scrutiny. We should pray that Obama be the best President that the United States has ever seen after all who does it benefit if he gets in office and fails tremendously, no one. On the other hand if Obama enters office and follows God's leadership and guidance then all Americans stand to benefit. I feel at times the decisions I have to make are tough but I can't imagine having to make decisions that send people to war or decisions that change taxes, and on and on. So my challenge to everyone is to put political differences aside and join in one in prayer for our nation and our leader. On a side note someone should pray for Aretha because she murdered My Country Tis of Thee.

Friday, January 16, 2009


I'm currently taking my last semester of Greek and have come to the realization that I don't like Greek. All this stuff about parsing, lexical forms, contract vowels, etc... literally sounds like Greek (ha ha I made a funny). I'm beginning to wonder if this class is some sort of punishment from God; God displaying his wrath through the Greek language. I have prayed to God to miraculously fill my head with everything I need to know about Greek but he has yet to answer my prayers. I mean seriously if someone who obviously had a lot of time on their hands has already translated the Greek New Testament into English then why do I have to do as well. When my professor asks me "Mr. Ledford can you tell me what Paul is saying here", I feel like saying as a matter of fact I can. I can tell you what Paul is saying in either the New International Version or the New American Standard version. If the works already done, why do it? Does that make me lazy? OK, now that I've gotten all that off my chest I'd like to ask you all for your prayers they are much needed this semester. Thank you for letting me complain for a moment.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Bedtime Prayer

Last night I read to Reese out of Psalms and then asked her to pray before she went to sleep. The Psalm we read was a Psalm of praise and thanks. I talked with Reese about how much God loves her and how we should be thankful for that love and all the blessings that he has given us. She took our conversation and prayed the following: "Dear God, thank you for loving all the people even when they do bad, but thank you for loving me the best". There was obviously some miscommunication between Reese and I because I never her told her she was God's favorite but it was a blessing that she had taken what we just read and prayed it to God. Her prayer did not end there though because when Reese prays she prays for everyone and everything. Her prayers go on so long sometimes I think she could give Pastor Chad a run for his money. I wouldn't change a thing though because her prayers bless me in so many ways. She prays without question as if she expects or knows what she is praying is going happen. She prays honestly, innocently, expectantly. I wish I was more like that, how about you?

Friday, January 2, 2009

Transformers Website

I just wanted to let everyone know that I have added a new page to our children's ministry website. The page is called Transformer News and it will discuss the lessons, upcoming events, and basically everything involving Transformers. Transformer News will also discuss new movies for kids, community news, etc... This will be a great way for Parents to stay connected with what's happening in Transformers and in the community. Check it out at