Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Premiere of Lost

I don't know about you guys but I am pumped about tonight's Premiere of Lost. I have watched this show since the beginning and have never missed an episode. I think the show is awesome but I know there are critics out there that think the show is lame and confusing. I do agree that if you have not seen the majority of the episodes you will be truly "Lost" (ha ha), but I'll be glad to get you up to speed. I heard a professor at NGU say, "why would I want to watch a show called Lost when I have been FOUND by Jesus." My answer is simple if there is television in heaven, Jesus is watching Lost. I say all that to say don't call me, text me, or e-mail me on Wednesday's between 9-10. If there is an emergency just hold on until after 10:00. Anyway check it out tonight at 8:00 on ABC.

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